Women of the Bible Week One Discussion 

Hello ladies, 

Welcome to Week one of our study “Twelve More Women of the Bible“. If you haven’t viewed the introduction video please review the previous blog and view the video. We will spend this summer looking at the women of the Bible how exciting!!!

This week we will be focusing on the Proverbs 31 Woman. I have included the link to video by the author. Please view it and answer the selected discussion questions in your study guide. Do not only respond to the questions but read and comment to others who are participating in our study. 

I want to encourage you to stay the course. However, if you fall behind don’t become discouraged. Start back with the current week we are working on and move forward. Embrace the study and spend time in God’s word.

Let’s get started!!!

Father, we thank You for who You are, O Lord Most High and for all that You do.  Teach us O Lord how to be Women of You. In Jesus name Amen 

Discussion Questions 

Please put Q1., Q2., Q3…. before your responses.

Q1. What are some of the dangers of fixating on social media (or similar picture perfect depictions) and believing these are real and honest presentations of other people’s lives? Have you ever found yourself envious of such seemingly Problem free individuals?

Q2. Read Proverbs 31:10-3. What are some of the positive and praiseworthy characteristics you see in the women portrayed In this passage? Why is it valuable and helpful to think about these traits and even Inspire to grow them in our lives?

Q3. Choose at least three traits from page 7 of the study to translate some of this woman’s activities. Showing what this might look like in our world today. 

Q4. God cares not just about what we do in life but also by how we do it. What do you notice in this regard about the attitude and disposition of the woman in Proverbs 31? What can we learn from her example?

Q5. Why is playing the comparison game dangerous and deadly when it comes to our health and joy? What are ways we can focus more on who God is making us and our family? How can we fight against the temptation to compare ourselves to other women and our family to other families?

Q6. Read Colossians 3:23-24. What are some possible consequences and problems we might face if we expect our family members to praise us and vocally appreciate all we do? How can living with God as our primary and only true audience bring Greater Joy and confidence as we love and serve others?

Q7. From your personal study session this week share any observations that stood out to you.

Thank you for your participation this week I look forward to reading your responses and engaging in an active and open discussion.😎😎

Video Link


3 thoughts on “Women of the Bible Week One Discussion 

  1. Q1 .wanting to be more significant than others and taking your eyes and heart off of Jesus. Q2. Trust in her, works with her hands, reaches out to the needy, Wisdom Kindness, A Woman that fears the Lord she shall be praised. Q3. vs 16 she works and buys land to plant a vineyard. vs.27 she makes time for all and does not procrastinate. By staying in the word and studying. Q4. To follow God and his promises. Q5. Because we were made as individuals and are special in our own way. Q6. They would not be focused on God and all he does for us.We will be happier and healthier and God will shine through. Q7. We need to dig deeper and stay in the Word.

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  2. Q1. Dangers: I can begin to compare my life and try to match what I’m seeing on social media. You can view your life as lacking or just think you are better than someone else. I wouldn’t say that I found myself envious of people who appear on social media to having a problem free life but it does cause you to look at yourself and think maybe you are not doing enough or you’re not doing the right thing. I heard a teacher or leader say one day that the picture that the person puts on Facebook or the video they do they’re taking time to set the scene for what they are showing. Which makes sense because you’re doing a picture for others to look at so you going to set the best picture. So when we look at social media and think that their life looks perfect we are miss judging them especially when we find out that they have problems just like we do. So I think another danger is that we can look at social media and then put people on a pedestal that they don’t want to be one. And when they have a problem we knock them off the pedestal as if they did wrong.
    Q2. Some of the praiseworthy and positive characteristics I saw in the woman for the Proverbs 31 was that her heart was not to harm but to help. And I saw her as a planner. She thinks of her family’s needs and she plans accordingly.
    Q3. I chose to translate vs13, 20, 27. Where it says she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands – I said she spent time searching for the best clothing and materials for her family.
    She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy – she is ready to share with others maybe feeding the homeless or sharing with another family that is in need.
    She watches over the Affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness – she is busy not necessarily too busy but she doesn’t spend time with foolishness and drama
    Q4. The attitude and disposition of the woman in Proverbs 31 to me was that she takes great care and pays attention to all she does. I can learn from her that I need to be more proactive. More like I used to be but I’ve kind of slacked off lately.
    Q5. This one concern me. The comparison game stands out to me. The ways that I can focus more on who God is making me and my family is to put my focus on the tasks and goals that I have and avoid looking at others successes against my own. I will fail every time if I compare myself to others. I can never measure up.
    Q6. I think if our goal is to get praise from our family we are taking the glory from God. It’s a constant temptation one that has to be avoided. Everything that we do has to be for his glory even when we’re dealing with our family.


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