Women of the Bible Week Two Discussion 

Hello ladies, 

Welcome to Week Two of our study “Twelve More Women of the Bible“. 

This week we will be focusing on Deborah in Judges 4. I have included the link to the video of my synoisis of video  the by the author. Please view it and answer the selected discussion questions in your study guide. Do not only respond to the questions but read and comment to others who are participating in our study. 

Let’s get started!!!

Father, we so thankful for this time of study in your word. As we begin to study the women of the Bible speak to our hearts Lord so that we will be strong women who represent you in everything we do. In Jesus name Amen 

Discussion Questions 

Please put Q1., Q2., Q3…. before your responses.

Q1. Sometimes we remove ourselves from being a leader by saying things like, “I’m just a mom” or “I’m just a student” or “I’m just a manager”. Instead, we should declared with confidence, I’m a Child of God! Why is it dangerous and damaging to play the “I’m just a game”? How might your life change if you confidently believe and proclaim “I am a child of God”?

Q2. Read Judges 4: 1-5. What was unique about Deborah that made her stand out as a woman in her day? How does this inspire you to be available for God to work in and through you in ways you might not have dreamed or imagined?

Q3. Read Judges 4: 6 – 10. How have you seen God use men and women to serve him together in leadership? How does leadership become more effective and God honoring with both men and women bring their gifts to the leadership table?

Q4. How does Deborah speak the truth in a gracious and loving way to Barak? Why are we often afraid to speak the truth to others even in a loving and grace-filled way?

Q5. Read Judges 4:11-24 Deborah and Barak were outnumbered and the enemy had superior armor and weapons. Why were they confident to go into battle even though the odds were against them? What are some of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles you are facing? What will it take for God to overcome them?

Q6. Leaders and heroes come in many shapes and sizes. How was each of these people a hero used by God and a leader in some way? 




Tell about how one of these three people inspires you to live boldly for God.

Q7. What is a step of leadership you have been resisting for feel God is moving you to take? How can your group members pray for you and keep you accountable to take the next step for the glory of God?

Thank you for your participation this week I look forward to reading your responses and engaging in an active and open discussion.😎😎

Week Two Video Link

One thought on “Women of the Bible Week Two Discussion 

  1. Q1. I think playing the just a …game is dangerous because I am not depending on God but I am relyong on my abilities. My life would change if I step out in his power and focus on His will and not the results.
    Q2. One she was a prophetess and a judge. Usually men served in that position. It’s encouraging to me because God uses whom ever He wills. He is not boxed in. Which means that I can do what He wills things others say I can’t. 
    Q3. He uses both men and women when they are willing to allow Him to work through them and are not caught up with gender bias.
    Q4. She agreed to go but she let him know honestly that the honor will be given to a woman. She told him the truth. I think we are often afraid to speak truth and Grace and love because we want to be popular and liked and even if we speak and Truth and lovingly doing it people get upset. So we choose not to say things so that we can stay in the good graces of others.
    Q5. They could confidently go into battle because the Lord was going to bring the victory. In that they could trust. Some of the insurmountable obstacles that I face is financial and looking at success by numbers. When doing Ministry work I have to focus on the tasks that the Lord is giving me to do versus how people react to it or how many people participate. If I focus on the wrong thing then I can’t get the job done. It’s not that I think that God has something in particular to do to get the job done I think I have to let Him get the job done and not be a hindrance with worry and doubt but I’m just step forward and do what’s necessary. It’s his job to bring increase not mine.
    Q6. Barak – although he was reluctant to go without Deborah he did go with her. Knowing that he would not get the honor but a woman would.
    Deborah – I think she stands out to me as a leader because she was a woman doing a job that men predominantly did.
    And having to do that and speak to a man about what he was going to lose as result of him not doing what God said, by himself shows her strength of character to me.
    Jael – she stands out because she was willing to do a hard job which was to kill someone. As a woman that’s out of her comfort zone but she completed the task that was really for someone else to do but they chose not to. She went the extra mile.
    The one that inspires me to live boldly for God is Deborah. To do something that God wants you to do when you’re not the most popular and it is not expected of you because of your gender is not easy. It’s easier to sit back and allow others to do it.
    Q7. For me it’s just moving forward and doing things that I need to do such as continue to write the Bible studies that I write and not be concerned with who was going to do the Bible study or if anybody’s going to do the Bible study.  Just doing what I know I am being gifted to do.


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