Revelation (5-8) Discussion Week Ten

Welcome to our final week of Discussing Revelation Part 3 “TheBook, The Seals and The Trumpets “.

Hopefully everyone is caught up. I just want to remind you that your perservance and commitment to studying Revelation has rewards. According to Revelation 1:3

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

So my dear ones stay the course!!!😎😎

Week Ten we studied the sounding of the four trumpets . We spent time studying Revelation 8:6- 13. In these eight verses we have been given a picture of what happens as each angel sounded a trumpet. Let’s see what we have learned this week.

Let’s get started!!

Please put Q1., Q2., Q3., …before your answers.

Father, we say thank You for the honor You have given us to slowly absorb Your word. May what You have planted in us grow into ripe fruit and spread like wild fire. Give us opportunities to share what we have learned. Help us to remain committed to completing the entire study.  In Jesus name Amen

Discussion Questions

Q1. When did the four trumpets start??

Q2. What did you learn about the four trumpets question mark be detailed.

Q3. What was your take away from this week’s lesson?

Q4. Give an outline of Revelation 5-8.

Please share your visual of Revelation 8: 6-13. The type of visual is up to you.

**Announcement about Part Four will be made on Friday. **

Thanks for your participation this week.😎😎😎

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