Women of the Bible Week Four Discussion 

Welcome to Week Four Discussion of “Twelve More Women of the Bible”. 

Our study this week is looking at Ruth Naomi’s daughter-in-law. She was a woman who left all that she knew to go be with her mother-in-law in a land she does not know, most likely be unwelcomed and with no guarantee of provision.  We will discover this week how to stay focus in the midst of distractions. 

Please view the video synopsis and answer the selected discussion questions from your study guide. Be sure to read others comments and engage in dialogue about this week’s study.

Let’s get started!!!

Father, we thank You for Your word. Teach us Lord how to remain focused when faced with distractions. In Jesus name Amen 

Discussion Questions

Please put Q1, Q2, Q3…… before your responses.

Q1.  Read Ruth 1. What do you learn about the character and heart of Naomi in the story? What do you learn about Ruth’s Faith, passion, and character?

Q2. What commitments did Ruth make to Naomi (see Ruth 1:16-18)? What were the implications of those commitments? What were some of the obvious distractions and off-ramps Ruth would have faced that could have moved her off this commitment?

Q3. One distraction that can keep us from fully following God’s will is the temptation to seek personal Comfort over God’s calling. How would the decision by Ruth to go home to her parents in Moab have been more comfortable and safer than a decision to follow Naomi to Bethlehem (see Ruth 2:8-10)? What message was Ruth sending when she turned down the opportunity to seek the comfort of home?

Q4. A second lesson we learn from Ruth story is that we can be distracted from following God’s Will by relying on our own reason more than God’s wisdom (see Ruth 1:11-13). How can reason and rational evaluation of a situation get in the way of us following God’s plan for our life?

Q5. A third common distraction for following God’s will is to seek the approval of other people more than the approval of God. How did Ruth actions show a deep concern for pleasing God more than pleasing people (see Ruth1:14-18)?

Thank you for your participation this week. I look forward to reading your responses and engaging in an active and open discussion.😎😎

Week Four Video Link

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